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We are thrilled to announce that the Baltimore Children's Choir summer camp will take place NEXT WEEK:
Monday, July 18th through Friday, July 22nd
Abbott Memorial Presbyterian Church
3426 Bank Street
from 9 am-12:00 pm.
We are going to have a variety of outdoor and indoor activities for the camp!
Dress for the weather, put on sunscreen, and bring a water bottle.
Masks will be optional for both indoor and outdoor activities.

We will be singing a variety of songs, creating crafts, and playing games in the CARNIVAL THEME!
Yummy and nutritious snacks will be served each day!
Thursday, July 21st is Water Day!
Friday, July 22nd at 11:30 am we will have a short performance inside Abbott Memorial Church.
All friends and family members are welcome - free of charge!
We hope you can join us!

We look forward to seeing you!
